Tag Archives: getting

Things To Avoid When Getting Your New Car And Auto Loan

Things To Avoid When Getting Your New Car And Auto Loan Buying that new car at the dealers can often be filled with a number of mistakes that tip off the car salesman as to the ignorance of the buyer. He or she will often then proceed to take advantage of unsuspecting customers (victims). By

Getting Loans after Bankruptcy

Getting Loans after Bankruptcy While bankruptcy appears on a credit report for 10 years making an already bad credit rating even worse, you do not have to wait for 10 years to be over to restore your credit and qualify for a loan. Getting approved for loans after bankruptcy may be difficult but it is

Getting Your First Car Loan

Getting Your First Car Loan One of the first big purchases many people make is an automobile. Of course, those just starting out in the world aren’t liable to have much credit history. So how exactly do you go about getting yourself a good car loan? Well, if you can’t cough up the cash (and

Getting A Loan With Bad Credit

Getting A Loan With Bad Credit Mortgages, credit cards, personal loans, refinance loans and auto loans, if you have bad credit you can still get any one or all of these types of financial assistance. Many lenders these days are realizing that the days of a perfect credit score are over for the average person.

Bad Credit Auto Loan Refinance – Tips To Increase Your Odds Of Getting Approved

Bad Credit Auto Loan Refinance – Tips To Increase Your Odds Of Getting Approved Plan to refinance your auto loan but have bad credit? You can still find financing at reasonable rates by searching online for your lenders. Researching rates and terms will lead you to a good deal, saving you money each month. Increase

Getting a car with a UK Secured Loan

Getting a car with a UK Secured Loan People need wheels. It’s a fact of life, just like taxes! We need a car to get back and forth to work so we can earn a living to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. It’s a vicious circle… and it’s all