Simple Personal Finance Tips Anyone Can Use (2)
Simple Personal Finance Tips Anyone Can Use
Owing a lot of people money that you can’t pay back often leads to depression. Then, once you get depressed, you can’t see your way out of the financial problems and aren’t motivated to find a solution. This in turn makes the problems worse and makes you more depressed. Break the cycle and get empowered again by reading the tips in this article.
When you need a new car, purchase a used car. If you buy a brand new car, the car loses the most value within the first 10,000 miles. Buying a used car helps you avoid that issue since it has already lost that initial value. Used car payments are usually easier to handle as well.
If you really care about saving money and repairing your personal finances, you should cut up all of your credit cards. Credit cards are the number one cause of high amounts of debt. Then, pay off the credit cards as fast as you can, to save on the interest. Once you are credit card debt free, you can consider getting one card for emergencies.
You can build a good credit history without getting yourself in debt by using a pre-paid credit card. You can usually get this type of card at your local bank. You pre-pay as much cash as you wish on the card, and use it just like a credit card. You will have access to your money as well as raising your credit score by paying monthly payments on time.
Using a frugal approach to spending can be a powerful method of keeping your personal finances under control. A few simple changes in your spending can make a dramatic difference. Purchase a used car instead of a new one. Shop around for a cheaper cell phone plan. Look for ways to make your home more energy efficient.
Buy used. Buying new is a lot more fun, but if you buy used, you can save a lot of money. It is estimated that cars lose almost a third of their value in their first couple years, so why not buy a car that is a couple of years old.
Pay attention to the interest rates on your credit cards. What may seem like a minor difference of a few percentage points can add up to hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the long run. If you have multiple credit cards, use whichever one has the lowest interest rate.
Use an automatic payment plan when you begin to repay your student loans. Most lenders offer significant discounts for those who opt to have payments deducted electronically every month. This also ensures that you do not incur additional charges or late fees, if you forget to make your payment!
As you now know, there’s no reason to get depressed over your finances. Just take a deep breath and follow the tips in this article so that you can turn your financial situation around. Once you start doing something to improve your finances, you’ll start to feel better. Keep working at it, and soon, you will be out of debt altogether.